Saturday, June 30, 2007
Penang CM's post remains in Gerakan

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Durian The King of Fruits....by credit card.
By the way, i loss my voice for having too much durians.
Walann......even durian sellers are getting more aggrasive now. This durian stall will accept credit card payment for durians purchased above RM40.00.
But if i were them i take cash loh.
Nothing beats the cold hard cash on hand man.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
SCOMI @1.75
Would see it scale up >RM2.00 short term.
Punters take it. Surely >RM2.00 short term.
Little Giant Killer......Aedes
Look at the size of this little creature. Never in my 31years on planet Earth have I met with such a big aedes. I have killed many with my bare hands. But, this one is just incredibly big and look at the long legs.
My wife took this one out with one of her magazine. Lucky thing she killed it otherwise, wonder which one of us in the house would be down with Denggi Fever.
I am still keeping it in a palstic container. Showing it to everyone that came to my house.
I am gonna send it to MPPP(Local Council) or Majlis Kesihatan. Least they could do, is to send some one to fog the place.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Adsense Team Fast Reply & Helpful
I denied access to allow blogger.com and from then onwards I could not add or change any of my Adsense that was posted. I could not change the font colors nor place more Adsense.
I email the Adsense support team about my problem and can you believe it they replied within hours. Man, this is a company that handles millions of adsense accounts.
And the best part is, I found the way to reinstall or to allow blogger.com to manage my Adsense account.
I just have to login to my Adssense account and from there I can click to allow blogger access to manage Adsense on my blog.
Darn me. Easy peasy settled.
Any of you guys out there have this problem? Please do let me know. I can guide you.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Speak of the Devil.....Guocoland
It surprises me, did not expect it to move so fast.
Quick bucks.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Stock market today.......BURSA MALAYSIA
Foreign investors are picking it up.
One of the strongholds of HongLeongGroup.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Unlucky Kampung......Tanjung Tokong

Kampung Tanjung Tokong have been hit again. This time a fiery fire swipe 11 wooden houses leaving 150 families homeless.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Real Madrid or Barcelona or Sevilla
New office environment
Miss out on so many things to write. Wonder if I can still recall those interesting things i wanted to write about.
I wrote something on 'Employees market' because i was so frustated at those interviewees now I have to swallow it up. Erghhh i guess not...........that is the reality nowadays so i'll stick to that. Just that, now i finally found the right people.
What a relief, the office is back to its usual function. My only headache is i do not have enough sittings for the new load of people.
Haha.....thats the result of bad planning? I leave it to you guys to ponder. Just that over the candidates that came in for the interviews. I found the people i wanted to work with. You know...you just feel it "yup this is the guy i want" sort of feeling. So i just took them in and now not enough table and chairs.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Trying to revamp my bizness site
I am getting some help from Dragonhead of http://www.project010.net and most probably will move my hosting to http://www.exabytes.com.
Thanks, Dragonhead for poping by my office.
And for those who have not registered for the Nuffnang do in Foodloft, Gurney Plaza this coming 23rd June. Please contact http://www.nuffnang.com or www.project010.net for further details.
See you guys there.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Hattrick for NADAL, French Open '07
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Haha.......Old Glory
International Badminton Federation 26-FEB-97
Mens Singles Ranking
Ranking Date 25-FEB-97
(Reformatted and reissued by NEW SHUTTLENWS)
Pos Id Surname First Name Ctry Comps Points
1 207 HOYER-LARSEN Poul-Erik DEN 14 285.31
2 511 SIDEK Rashid MAS 9 280.67
3 541 SUPRIANTO Joko INA 7 274.65
4 4971 SUN Jun CHN 9 269.48
5 3268 WIJAYA Indra INA 9 265.70
6 437 PERMADI Fung TPE 10 263.98
7 3150 ONG Ewe Hock MAS 10 261.87
8 1333 STUER-LAURIDSEN Thomas DEN 12 258.33
9 4367 SANTOSO Budi INA 9 235.53
10 6926 GADE CHRISTENSEN Peter DEN 10 233.15
219 2033 LEWIS Geraint WAL 3 16.49
220 8393 CHIEN Yu-Shiu TPE 2 16.44
221 10325 FELIX Ooi MAS 5 16.40
222 6907 HARIONO Guntur INA 2 16.31
223 4091 WAPP Stephan SUI 4 16.15
I found my old IBF ranking list.
As you can see, Feb,97 my ranking was 221.
If I m not mistaken my higest WORLD IBF ranking was No 76.
Just before both my knee caps dislocated.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Bloomberg / Mumbai June 08, 2007
Gold may rise to more than $1,000 an ounce as demand from India, China and exchange traded funds increases and production of precious metal falls, according to JP Morgan Chase & Co., the third-largest US bank.
Gold, which has risen 5.2 per cent this year, may reach $850 an ounce in the “medium term,’’ on the way to $1,000, analysts from JP Morgan led by John Bridges said in the report dated June 6. They didn’t specify what the medium term was.
Gold-mining companies reduced output to a 10-year low of 2,471 metric tons in 2006, according to London-based researcher GFMS Ltd. Demand for gold from India, the world’s largest buyer, rose 50 percent in the first quarter of 2007 while demand in China gained 31 percent, according to the World Gold Council.
“We would continue accumulating gold and silver positions looking to higher prices by year-end,’’ the analysts said. “A four-figure gold price looks quite feasible to us given the tight supply demand situation in the gold market.’’
Gold for immediate delivery fell as much as $1.30, or 0.2 percent, to $669.45 an ounce and traded at $670 at 11:56 am Sydney time. Silver for immediate delivery fell 1 cent to $13.69 an ounce.
Demand from this year’s Indian wedding season, the Chinese year of the ‘Golden Pig,’ and purchases by exchange traded funds may boost prices, the analysts led by Bridges said in the report.
Thursday, June 7, 2007

Suitable for SOHO 4-in-1 print,scan,fax,copy.
Fastest inkjet printer 33ppm.
I m giving this out for RM 1100.00.
Brand new.
Market price rm1299.00.
Anyone interested please email me at felixooi@gmail.com.
This is not an auction. This is a one time offer price.
Free delivery Peninsular Malaysia only.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Blogging is HOT!!!!!!!in Malaysia and around the world
I'll be thinking of upgrading my business website to a more dynamic one. Now i am using a static website hosted by YEAHHOST. Check out http://www.recycsys.com its not really complete yet, but u guys will know what my other businesses are.
If blogging can really churn in a second income i foresee more and more SOHO will pop up.
I intend to promote more SOHO products in my blog soon.
Look out for more SOHO promos coming soon from HP, CANON, BROTHERS, OKI, SAMSUNG...etc
Monday, June 4, 2007
Employees Market

Mr Trump said "You're FIRED!"
Money is a problem...money is a problem not!

Money, money, money everywhere you go you here money. Why is money giving so much headache or even heartache in our daily life.
Huh.....without it we are non-existance.
So where to get fast or easy money!!!!!Credit cards are easily available, Small credit loans, Loansharks. Nowadays people tend to spend more than they earned.
Money do not fall from the sky. I know just type 'MONEY' on GOOGLE SEARCH and you get long list of sites relating to money. Out of that long list, which is real, which is SCAM. Becareful not to fall into the trap of online scammers, Get Rich Quick Schemes or even a product that requires several purchases to complete the total plan/solution.
Word of advise.......YOU yes YOU make what you are worth.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Massive traffic.....kings birthday....Daulat Tuanku
My wifey and I were on our way to Queensbay Mall from Tanjung Bungah. Our fisrt encounter with heavy traffic was at Island Plaza junction. The next problem come as we arrived near Gurney Drive. Took us 20mins to get out of the traffic.
As we were approaching Queensbay, lots and lots of cars coming from the Penang Bridge heading towards the Airport direction. I told my wife "Not againnnnnn!!!!" but we were lucky to get a parking space as soon as we arrived.
Mannn.....after all the car traffic problem. Now we got a human traffic problem. I just could not believe it. The crowd is just crazy.
After 3 hours of shopping, we are on our journey back, traffic was so smooth as it was already dinner time. Traffic on the opposite direction heading toward town along Mount Erskine was bad. So, we decided to head for Batu Feringhi for dinner. Traffic again was smooth. Not till when we call it a day, the cars heading towards Batu Feringhi is just crazy.
We were just lucky to be on the opposite flow of the massive jam. People head to town for dinner, we head to Batu Feringhi, as we left Batu Feringhi on our way home the traffic is heading towards Batu Feringhi.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Hot Head Drivers.
He was so furious at this particular car that did not give way for us to come out. He chased that car, which i can see the driver and may be his wife and a little kid, chasing in a crazy manner as we got close, boy, I tell you really close almost touch the back of the car. In the end, that driver was smart enough to avoid further confrontation, he droved into a bank, i can tell you, it is to avoid us.
I was so embarassed by his action that i took up my handphone pretending to shy my face away from nearby vehicles. It came as a surprise to me, i never expect him to react in such a manner.
Moral of the story is...........a person can be very polite and soft spoken when they talk but if we step on its tail wowwwwww. NEVER JUDGE A PERSON BY ITS COVER.